The HM Revenue and Customs website has a Safety rating of 98.9% and is considered a Safe Website.

HM Revenue and Customs

The Official Website address is:

The Official Twitter address is:!/hmrcgovuk

The Official Facebook address is:

The Official Youtube address is:

A Summary of the Security Reports from the HM Revenue and Customs website have been detailed below, all have achieved 100% PCI Compliance and been Rated as a Safe and Secure Website by our team of Security reviewers.

McAfee Site Adviser Review for the HM Revenue and Customs Website

The Google Safe Browsing Review for the HM Revenue and Customs Website

The AVG Threat Labs Review for the HM Revenue and Customs Website

The Browser Defender Review for the HM Revenue and Customs Website

Full address details for Postal Enquiries is as follows:

HM Revenue and Customs
Blackburn House
Old Hall Street
Stoke On Trent

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